Seashore Gardens Living Center is facing a crisis unlike anything in our 104-year history as a non-profit Jewish Home for the Aged. We are pleading for your help.
COVID-19 has caused a once-in-a-century threat to our mission of enriching elder lives. Like the little boy holding his finger in the dike, we are struggling daily to hold off the torrent of costs that could force us to close our doors. We now find ourselves in “the perfect storm.” We have an outbreak in our building. We are facing staffing challenges due to quarantines and shortages. We are continuously having to purchase PPE and our fractured medical records system is in need of updating. We are in desperate need of your help to overcome these challenges and weather these perilous times.
We have faced COVID-19 with resolve and resiliency for almost a year.
For so long, we were able to keep our staff’s COVID positives to a minimum and our residents’ virus-free. We watched the crisis grow all over the country and heard the stories of the toll that COVID-19 was taking on nursing homes. This virus has disproportionately affected the elderly and frail—the very people in our care. We were cautiously proud of our accomplishments and continued to be proactive. Two weeks ago, we had our first resident test positive for COVID in this outbreak and quickly found out that no matter how diligent you are, this virus spreads quickly through homes like ours.
Vaccinations are a great first step, but they don’t protect against our financial challenges.
We held our first vaccination clinic in early January and our second vaccination clinic just this week. Now that we are facing the realities of the virus in our building, we are grateful for that extra layer of protection. With your help, we can continue to survive and provide quality care for our residents.
We are not an organization that has ever “cried wolf.”
We have never had to make an appeal for our very existence. We have never needed the help of our community more. While it is impossible to know the extent of the financial impact this past year and current outbreak will have, we estimate it to be anywhere from $500,000 to a million dollars. The Board of Directors and Staff of the Seashore Gardens Foundation and Living Center are determined to provide relief to our frontline staff and beloved residents until we can restore normalcy to our beloved Home.
Please help us. Contact Sharon D’Angio at (609) 748-4614 to learn how, or donate online. You have the power to ensure our future and make a difference.
Come visit us today!
The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore Gardens Living Center is an independent, nonprofit home for the aged with over 100 years of service. Back in 1916 we started as a little house in Atlantic City, New Jersey. We’ve grown in services and location. Today we are on a 20 acre campus in Atlantic County, New Jersey. Come visit us today.
Keeping Connected During Covid-19Keeping Connected During Covid-19